Prisoners Full movie 2013 Watch Online
Prisoners Full movie Watch Online
Directed by Denis Villeneuve
Produced by Broderick Johnson
Kira Davis
Andrew A. Kosove
Adam Kolbrenner
Written by Aaron Guzikowski
Starring Hugh Jackman
Jake Gyllenhaal
Viola Davis
Maria Bello
Terrence Howard
Melissa Leo
Paul Dano
Prisoners Fullmovie 2013 Watch Online
Prisoners Fullmovie 2013 Watch Online
Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman), a deeply religious man who runs a failing carpentry business, attends a Thanksgiving dinner with his family at the house of neighbor and family friends the Birches.
The families' six year old daughters, Anna Dover and Joy Birch, go for a walk outside with their older siblings, Ralph Dover and Eliza Birch. The children have to be forcefully pulled away from a parked RV by their siblings when they start climbing on it.
After dinner, the younger daughters leave to go back to Anna's house to get her safety whistle she is supposed to carry at all times, but they never come back. After a police hunt, the RV is found parked outside a gas stationnext to a wooded area.
Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman), a deeply religious man who runs a failing carpentry business, attends a Thanksgiving dinner with his family at the house of neighbor and family friends the Birches. The families' six year old daughters, Anna Dover and Joy Birch, go for a walk outside with their older siblings, Ralph Dover and Eliza Birch.
The children have to be forcefully pulled away from a parked RV by their siblings when they start climbing on it. After dinner, the younger daughters leave to go back to Anna's house to get her safety whistle she is supposed to carry at all times, but they never come back. After a police hunt, the RV is found parked outside a gas station next to a wooded area.
Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman), a deeply religious man who runs a failing carpentry business, attends a Thanksgiving dinner with his family at the house of neighbor and family friends the Birches. The families' six year old daughters, Anna Dover and Joy Birch, go for a walk outside with their older siblings, Ralph Dover and Eliza Birch.
The children have to be forcefully pulled away from a parked RV by their siblings when they start climbing on it. After dinner, the younger daughters leave to go back to Anna's house to get her safety whistle she is supposed to carry at all times, but they never come back. After a police hunt, the RV is found parked outside a gas station next to a wooded area.
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When Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal), who heads the case, goes to confront the RV's driver, Alex Jones (Paul Dano), Alex panics, tries to speed away, and crashes into the trees. Alex is taken in for questioning, but it is found that he has the IQ of a 10-year-old and rarely speaks. The RV shows no forensic evidence indicating the girls were forcibly taken into it, and Alex's low intelligence means he couldn't have covered up such evidence.
Also, polygraph tests of him prove inconclusive due to his low IQ, and he repeatedly denies ever having seen the children. Detective Loki goes to see Alex's aunt, Holly Jones (Melissa Leo), who raised him with his uncle after his parents died when he was six. Alex's uncle left the home a couple years ago after a domestic dispute with his aunt.
Alex spends most nights sleeping in the RV and does not have many things. As the police are unable to find evidence against Alex, he is released in two days. Keller attacks him in a parking lot where he says Alex tells him, "They only cried when I left them. " Though no one is close enough to hear this to corroborate, but he takes this as proof that Alex took the girls.
That night, Keller abducts Alex at gunpoint while walking his dog, and imprisons him in an abandoned, run- down apartment building that his father owned. With the reluctant help of Joy's father, Franklin Birch (Terrence Howard), Keller repeatedly beats Alex for days for information.
Overcome with guilt, Franklin tells his wife Nancy- (Viola Davis) what they have done and brings her to see Alex. While talking to him, she unties Alex and he attempts to escape. This forces Keller to build a wall around a bath tub, where he locks Alex. It is devoid of light except for a small PVC tube talk- hole, and Keller is able to torture Alex with both scalding and freezing water. At this point, the Birches decide they cannot participate any longer, but they do not stop Keller.
Detective Loki begins tailing Keller after hearing that Alex went missing, and eventually finds the apartment complex, though he does not discover Alex. Over the days Alex is being tortured, Detective Loki trails other leads. While investigating sex offenders in the area, he discovers that Father Patrick Dunn has a long- dead body in his basement. Father Dunn claims that he did not know who the man was, but that in a confession the man bragged about killing sixteen children and also admitted to having a family despite.
The reverend confesses that he convinced the man to come to his house, where he killed him to "save the children", and is arrested for the crime. During a candlelight vigil for the missing girls, Detective Loki notices a man acting suspicious, but loses him in a chase. Subsequent scenes show the man breaking into the Dover and Birch homes, though it is not revealed what he did there. Keller's wife hears the window open when the man breaks in, but never sees him, and believes Anna had come back. Detective Loki writes down her statement of someone coming in through the- window.
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